
1- Holding a conference of powerful oil customers in Golestan and Mazandaran provinces, in Sabz Gorgan Hotel, along with visiting the factory and holding a training course “Motor description and the effects of proper lubrication” by respected experts of Golestan Technical and Vocational Organization (July 2007)

2- Holding a conference for oil service workers in Golestan and Mazandaran provinces
, In the Green Hotel of Gorgan, along with visiting the factory and holding a training course “Explaining the engine and the effects of proper lubrication” by the respected experts of the Technical and Vocational Organization of Golestan Province (May 2008)

3- Holding a ceremony of appreciation and thanks to the top buyers of 1989 in Thyme Hotel and donating a Pride car as a prize to Soheil Arab Ameri, the best buyer of powerful oil in Golestan province and three valuable home appliances were given to the esteemed audience by lottery. (May 90)